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Sunday 30 September 2012

The Beginning of My Blog

Hi, I am a self taught costumer, hoping to in some way inspire and help others who are starting historical and costume sewing. If something I post can help someone else in their quest for answers, or just the right way to start a corset, which was incredibly daunting for me, and without the knowledge from some amazing blogs I would still be in the dark.
Of course, I wouldn't start a blog without some inner desire to show off my creations, but mostly I need an excuse to make more clothes. I'm sure there is a disease that goes with costuming, the symptoms involve a strange compulsion to make yet another corset or dress, when you know perfectly well you don't "need" it.
To be depressed or gleeful about this slightly insane state, I can't decide, so I have decided to embrace it heartily.
It will be a learning curve to do this blog and I'm sure I'll have a lot of fun.
Thanks to Mum who has let me gradually steal her living room to use as my sewing room as my  "illness'" progressed!