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Tuesday 16 April 2013

Despair and Doom ... And a Challenge!!

I think I am stuck in the Corset Hole of Despair and Doom right now. Nothing is going how I planned. I am halfway through my long-line 1912 corset, a pair of 18th Century stays and two Regency corsets, both short and long.
But, I have a Plan. I have challenged myself to some Regency sewing. It was originally going to be that I would sew all Elizabeth's gowns out of the latest Pride & Prejudice movie, but I don't like/need all of them, so I am going to be sewing selected gowns from three Jane Austen movies and mini-series!! I have given myself the rest of 2013 to complete this project in, since it will probably take a while.

I love the BBC mini-series! Having speed-watched all three, I have decided that I will have to make nearly all of Emma's dresses, because they are so beautiful, not because I need them. But isn't that always the way?! I will make most of Elizabeth's dresses in P&P and some of Elinor's from S&S. 
Hopefully having a project will goad me forward out of the lazy rut I am in. I do have to finish one of the Regency corsets I'm working on before I can start, so I will post progress soon. I hope.

Saturday 13 April 2013

American Duchess - New Highbury Regency Shoe!

Okay, first of all, sorry I haven't blogged for ages, but I have had lashing of inspiration for a fun project I will share later. For now though, here's another post in an attempt to win a pair of beautiful American Duchess shoes. =)

I mean, look at them, they have ribbons!! (Happy squeal!)  Can't you imagine walking like Elizabeth Bennet through the mud all the way to Netherfield Park for Jane? And being sniffed at for the inches and inches of mud on your hem? 
These shoes are also perfect for the project hinted at earlier...